Introducing Energize, your go-to remedy for a revitalizing boost whenever you’re feeling drained or mentally fatigued. Whether it’s after a demanding task, an overload of mental activity, or simply feeling depleted, this flower essence formula is here to restore your vitality.
Packed with flower essences including Echinacea, Lady Slipper, and Sweet Grass, Energize gently lifts the veil of apathy and depression that often accompanies low energy levels. Say goodbye to mental exhaustion and hello to renewed vigour as you tap into the natural energy reserves within you.
Experience the rejuvenating power of Energize as it revitalizes your mind, body, and spirit. Reclaim your zest for life and embrace each moment with newfound vitality.
This 50 ml flower essence blend contains 25% alcohol and dosage dilution of the following flower essences:
Lady Slipper
Wild Rose, Alberta
Labrador Tea
Self Heal
Looking to purchase more of our individually crafted formulas? Check out our full line here!