Introducing Lighten Up, a specialized flower essence formula tailored for individuals struggling with light deprivation issues, including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Designed to amplify your connection with light in all its forms, this formula is your key to energizing, uplifting, and nourishing your perspective on life.
With a blend of essences including Borage, Iris, and Saint John’s Wort, Lighten Up empowers you to harness the power of light to brighten both your inner world and your living environment. Whether you’re seeking to revitalize your energy or illuminate your surroundings, this formula offers a holistic approach to enhancing your well-being.
Rediscover the joy of living in full light with Lighten Up. Experience a renewed sense of vitality and inspiration as you embrace the abundance of light in your life.
This 50 ml flower essence blend contains 25% alcohol and dosage dilution of the following flower essences:
St. John’s Wort
Indian Paintbrush
Looking to purchase more of our individually crafted formulas? Check out our full line here!