
Chad Cornell, MH

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Chad Cornell graduated from The Wild Rose College of Natural Healing as a Master Herbalist in 2003. For the past 15 years, he’s worked alongside his clients to restore them to their natural state of health and happiness using diet, herbal remedies, nutraceuticals, lifestyle adjustments, and additional therapies such as meditation when required. Chad also draws deeply from his training in traditions such as Ayurveda (India), Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and both Eclectic Herbalism and Indigenous herbal healing lineages of the Americas.

Chad is hired annually by the University of Winnipeg / Indigenous Studies Department to teach herbal plant medicines to students alongside traditional elders. He has also taught natural healing principles to medical students at the University of Manitoba Health Sciences Campus for 5 years.

Chad is also the author and presenter of the film Our Common Roots – Unveiling Our Global Traditions of Healing with Plants. The internationally acclaimed film can be found on GAIA and has a field guide book available. Currently he provides the Integrative Herbalism Apprenticeship Program for students across Canada.


Learn more about Wild Rose College Alumnus Chad Cornell & Hollow Reed Holistic and Hollow Reed School of Healing Arts & Herbals.