Program Courses

A complete overview of the courses in our Diploma Programs.

Want further details on the breakdown of what you will be studying in our Diploma Programs?

Sign up for any course individually or achieve your herbal goals by signing up for a program package and graduating as an Herbalist from Canada’s most recognized herbal institution.

Practical Herbalist

Explore the 11 comprehensive courses and the final project that make up your Practical Herbalist Diploma Program. 

Folklore and modern scientific herbal research come together in this comprehensive herbology course.

Examine the chemical interactions within living cells essential for sustaining life, crucial to understanding herbalism.

Learn the systemic interrelationships in a body, looking at all of the major systems, organs & tissues through a herbalist’s lens.

Learn 86+ herbs and their interaction with our body systems through the lens of plant chemistry.

Unvailable for individual purchase.

Learn to incorporate Wholistic Nutrition with Plant Medicine as an herbalist in Nutrition 101.

Unvailable for individual purchase.

History of Herbal Medicine - Aug 2022 - StyleA - 1

An anthropological view into the long-standing relationship between humans and herbal medicine.

Unvailable for individual purchase.

The practice of herbalism is incomplete without familiarity with plant botany and plant families.

Unvailable for individual purchase.

Learn the best practices to harvest, forage and store plants for food & medicine sustainably, ethically and safely.

Build on the body systems approach: learn 50+ herbs in-depth that support each body system.

Unvailable for individual purchase.

Unvailable for individual purchase.

Discover the broad diversity of medicinal and healing plants used by Western Herbalists.

Create herbal preparations including tinctures, glycerites, flower essences, vinegars, honeys, syrups, and ferments.

Utilize the knowledge gained throughout your program to research and create a detailed herbal monograph.

Master Herbalist

Explore the 8 comprehensive courses and the final project that make up your Master Herbalist Diploma Program. 

This course introduces you to the concepts of Western Energetics and provides you with a historical overview of western herbal energetics including the humoral system, a detailed review of the six tissue states as well as plant energetics and the relationship to taste, herbal actions and phytochemistry.

Advance your nutritional knowledge–learn the role of diet and apply nutritional principles to support specific dis-eases and chronic health disorders.

Review the biological interaction between plant-­based therapies (herbs),  nutritional supplements and pharmaceutical drugs to incorporate herbs safely as an Herbalist.

Our Advanced Formulation course guides you through the process of creating effective formulas for your clients. It outlines different strategies and frameworks for formulating with herbs as well as dosing strategies for acute and chronic disorders.


This business-focused course was developed with herbalists in mind and is designed to help you navigate the complexities of starting a business, product development, marketing and sales from a holistic perspective.

Learn TCM concepts such as Qi, Yin and Yang, Eight Principles, Vital Substances, TCM organ physiology, as well as the four examinations including pulse and tongue.

Learn Chinese herbs, formulations and processing, therapeutic methods, meridians, energetics, temperature, and more.

Learn the theory and practices of traditional Ayurvedic medicine, including the Five Element theory, humoral and structural theories, constitution, and more.

Learn 50 different medicinal plants of Ayurveda, including formulation, remedy preparation, dosage, indications, contraindications, doshas, and more. 

Learn the etiology, & pathology of health conditions within body systems from a medical, nutritional, Western Herbal, Ayurvedic and TCM perspective.

Expand on the physiological systems of the body with related health conditions from a medical, nutritional, Western herbal, Ayurvedic and TCM perspective.

As a final project for graduation, students are required to complete and submit three case studies: 1 of 3 of our provided cases + 2 client consultations of your choice.