Wild Rose College Turns 50! Honouring The Past, Nurturing The Future - Come Celebrate With Us This Summer!


Get to know your instructors! Meet our faculty and course contributors for your diploma programs, electives, and Wild Rose Village workshops.

Welcome to our herbal community.

Alexandra Luppold

Alexandra Luppold

Alexandra is a German Garden Master & Instructor for Wisdom of the Cosmic Garden. She farms organically on Vancouver Island.

Ayurveda-Ancient-Medicine_Amber Lynn Vitale

Amber Lynn Vitale, CN, ACC

Amber is a Certified Nutritionist, Ayurvedic Clinical Consultant. She is the creator of Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine at Wild Rose College.


Angela Willard, Cl.H.

Angela is a Wild Rose Alumnus and Instructor. She’s the founder of Seaweed Gardens and co-owner/co-visionary of Harmonic Arts Dispensary.

Becky Starling

Becky Starling, CH

Becky Starling is a Community Herbalist, Education and Marketing Manager & Educator from the BC Interior with Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine.

Bree Nabholz

Bree Nabholz, Cl.H.

Bree is the owner of Wild Yarrow Herbal Medicine Clinic & Dispensary in Edmonton, AB where she runs a general herbal medicine practice, with a focus on women’s reproductive health.

Carley McConkey, CNP

Carley McConkey is a Certified Holistic Nutritionist (CNP), Herbalist (Wild Rose College Graduate) and wellness educator, dedicated to making herbal medicine approachable and empowering for all.

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Colleen Emery, Cl.H, RHT (BCHA)

Colleen Emery has a private practice & runs a dispensary & apprenticeship program out of Emery Herbals & Healing Suites in Winlaw, BC.

Dani Sweet - Herbalist

Dani Sweet C.C.H.P., C.H.

Dani Sweet C.C.H.P., C.H., D.N.M. is the owner/operator of Good 4 You… a natural health care clinic located in London, ON.

Daniel Rosenbaum

Daniel is an attending psychiatrist and Clinician Investigator at the University Health Network as well as the Inner City Health Associates in Toronto. He is a clinical lecturer in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto.

Dionne Jennings

Dionne Jennings, CH

Dionne Jennings is a Community Herbalist with a mission to connect plants & people. She’s a scholar of Ukrainian Folk Herbalism & Healing.


Farrah Thompson, DBM, MH

Farrah Thompson is a Master Herbalist, instructor, and the current General Manager with Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine.

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Jeananne Laing, MH, Cl.H.

Jeananne Laing, MH & Cl.H. & Cannabis Educator, is a Wild Rose College Alumna, Instructor, and former College Manager.

Katolen Yardley

Katolen Yardley, MNIMH, RH (AHG)

Katolen is an Herbalist and a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists, currently in private practice in Vancouver and Port Moody, BC.

Krista Dawn Poulton Cl.H. RHT (BCHA)

Krista Dawn Poulton is a Medical Herbalist in private practice in Victoria, BC.

Malcom Saunders

Malcolm Saunders

Malcolm Saunders is a Nutrition, Superfoods & Fermentation Educator. He’s owner & creative visionary of the Light Cellar, Calgary, AB.


Megan Relling, MH

Megan Relling is an Herbalist, Botanical Tattoo artist & Mama based in Edmonton, AB

Petra Sovcov, DNM, CH

Petra is a Clinical Herbal Therapist (CHT), holds a Doctorate in Natural Medicine (DNM) and is a Certified DNA/SNP Analysis Consultant.

Tiffany Harper

Tiffany Harper, Dr. TCM, Cl. H.

Instructor Tiffany Freeman incorporates Western Herbalism, TCM, and traditions from her Cree First Nations descent in her clinical practice.


Tiffany Wyse ND, RH

Tiffany Wyse ND RH is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor and Medical Herbalist practicing in Toronto, ON Canada. 


Dr. Terry Willard, PhD

Dr. Terry Willard PhD, Cl.H. is the founder & former director of Wild Rose Herbal College, and has been in clinical practice for almost 40 years.

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Yarrow Willard, Cl.H.

Yarrow Willard, Cl.H., is a Wild Rose Alumnus, Instructor, and current college Director. He’s co-owner/creative visionary behind Harmonic Arts.