After graduating from Wild Rose College as Master Herbalist and Clinical Herbalist, Yarrow Willard moved to Vancouver Island where he started his Herbal Jedi Youtube channel. He co-founded Harmonic Arts Botanical Dispensary with fellow WRC Alumni & wife Angela Willard in 2008.
He enjoys sharing health-empowering teachings on advanced nutrition and cultivating a deeper connection with the natural world. He strives to continually update his knowledge in the growing-edge science of natural wellness. He loves to explore anything that is in alignment with supporting health and balance, both in the body and for the planet.
Yarrow took over as Director for Wild Rose College of Herbal Medicine from Terry Willard in 2015. He loves sharing his passion for plants, the natural world, and plant medicine. He is the creator of the Wild Rose College Course “Introduction to Medicinal Mushrooms”, as well as co-teaching several Wild Rose courses and instructing workshop webinars in the Wild Rose Herbal Village.