Team Member

Katie McIntyre

Student Services Coordinator


Katie (she/her) is a passionate herbalist who is pursuing her designation as a Clinical Herbalist with Wild Rose College. Previously working in a multi-disciplinary healthcare field, she has experienced the benefits of different treatment methods for overall health and wellbeing. This inspired her to practice herbal medicine and is the owner/operator of KMC Wellness.

At Wild Rose College, Katie provides guidance and assistance to students who are travelling along their own herbal paths. She is one of our Student Services Coordinators and takes great pride in helping students reach their herbal goals. She is committed to creating a safe space for all peoples, all genders, all ethnicities, and all backgrounds within the College and the herbal medicine community.

Living as a settler in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, she acknowledges and respects that she resides on Treaty 6 Territory and Metis Nations of Alberta Region 4 land, which was originally known as Birch Hill and home to the Nehiyawak and Hohe Nakota peoples. The surrounding land offers many opportunities to explore and connect with plants and people. She sends her appreciation for the opportunity to be a part of these lands.