10 Lessons Plus Final Exam
Credits: 39 classroom hours
Lesson One – Introduction to Nutrition 101 (11 Videos)
1.1 What is Nutrition?
1.2 Is Nutrition Just About What You Eat?
1.3 What Are Nutrients?
1.4 Categories of Nutrients
1.5 The Study of Nutrition
1.6 Definition of Food
1.7 Politics of Food: An Introduction
1.8 Food Security
1.9 Food Sovereignty
1.10 Organic Food
1.11 What Should We Eat?
Lesson Two – Water (10 Videos)
2.1 The Body’s Water
-How much water do we need? Thirst & Dehydration
2.2 Weight Loss and Water Intake
2.3 What is the Best Water to Drink?
-Tap water Vs single use bottled water; Spring water; Alkaline water; Distilled water; Mineral water (still and sparkling)
2.4 Hard Water Vs Soft Water
-Total dissolved solids
2.5 Water Filtration Systems
-Carbon filters; Reverse Osmosis (RO); Ceramic water filters; Ion exchange; Ultra-violet System (UV); Combination filters
2.6 Water Pollution
Lesson Three – Protein (10 Videos)
3.1 Protein Basics
3.2 Amino Acids
-Amino acids categories; Amino acids chart; Essential amino, Non-essential, Conditionally essential and other amino acids; Branch chain amino acids (BCAA)
3.3 Protein Requirements
-How much protein do you need? When to increase protein intake; Protein deficiency & Excess protein
3.4 Sources of Protein
-Vegan protein examples
-Animal protein examples
3.5 Protein Powder
-Common types of protein powders
3.6 Food Combining for Complete Protein
Lesson Four – Carbohydrates (7 Videos)
4.1 Introduction to Carbohydrates
4.2 Carbohydrate Requirements
4.3 Food Labelling of Carbs and Fibre
4.4 Glycemic Index
4.5 Hyperglycemia Vs Hypoglycemia
4.6 Categories of Carbohydrates
-Carb category chart
4.7 Simple Carbohydrates
-Monosaccharides, Fructose, Galactose, Disaccharides, Sucrose, Lactose, Maltose
4.8 Complex Carbohydrates
-Oligosaccharides, Polysaccharides, Starches, Glycogen, Fibre: Soluble & Insoluble, requirements for dietary fibre
4.9 Structural Carbohydrates
-Ribose, Glycosides, Chycosaminoglycans, Chitin, Gangliosides, Lectins
Lesson Five – Fats (9 Videos)
5.1 Categories of Lipids
5.2 Chemistry of Fat
5.3 More About Saturated and Unsaturated Fat
5.4 Essential Fatty Acids
-Alpha-Linolenic Acid, Linoleic Acid; Blancing Omega 3s with Omega 6s
5.5 Fatty Acid Pathway
5.6 Trans Fats
5.7 Sterols
5.8 Phospholipids
5.9 How Much Fat Do We Need?
5.10 Fatty Acid Supplements
5.11 Cooking with Fats and Oils
5.12 Dietary Fats and Disease
Lesson Six – Vitamins & Phytonutrients (15 Videos)
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Search for Vitamins
-Scurvy, Beriberi, and Pellagra; Vital Amine
6.3 Vitamins Role in Health
-Vitamin requirements
6.4 The Fat Soluble Vitamins
-Vitamin A, D, E, K
6.5 Water Soluble Vitamins
-Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3, Nicotinic Acid, Niacinamide), Pantothenic Acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Biotin (B7), Folate (B9) – Folic acid, Cobalamin (B12), Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
6.6 Phytonutrients
-A note about antioxidants; Categories of phytonutrients; Allium; Carotenoids; Ellagic acid; Flavonoids aka bio-flavonoids
Lesson Seven – Minerals (18 Videos)
7.1 Introduction to Minerals
-Forms of minerals, Mineral supplements, Electrolytes, Heavy metal toxicity,Mineral categories
7.2 The Macrominerals
-Calcium, Chloride, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Sulfur
7.3 The Microminerals AKA Trace Minerals
-Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Selenium, Silicon, Zinc
Lesson Eight – Digestion (20 Videos)
8.1 What is Digestion?
8.2 The Organs of Digestion
-Gastrointestinal tract, Hollow digestive organs, Solid digestive organs,Accessory digestive organs
8.3 Processes of Digestion
-Cephalic phase of digestion, Mechanical and chemical digestion, Absorption, Egestion/Elimination,Transit time
8.4 Leaky Gut Syndrome
8.5 Liver Detoxification Pathway
8.6 Energy Production Pathways
-Energy production through cellular respiration, Gluconeogenesis
Lesson Nine – Nutrition for Life Stages (8 Videos)
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Pre-Conception, Pregnancy, Lactation
9.3 Infancy
9.4 Baby to Toddler
9.5 Children and Teens
9.6 Adults
9.7 Seniors
9.8 Convalescence
Lesson Ten – Dietary Options (23 Videos)
10.1 Is There a Best Diet For Everyone?
10.2 Canada’s Food Guide
10.3 Food Intolerances and Allergies
10.4 Food Combining
10.5 Food Categories
-Cruciferous vegetables, FODMAPs, Fermented, Dairy, Gluten, GMO, Histamine, Leafy Greens, Nightshade, Oxalic acid containing foods, Root vegetables, and Superfoods
10.6 Common Structured Diets
-100 Mile, Alkaline, Atkins, Blood Type, Bulletproof, Candida, Gluten Free, Low Crap, Sibo, Ketogenic, Macrobiotic, Mediterranean, Paleo, Raw Food, Standard American, Vegan, Vegetarian, Weight Watchers