Faculty Member

Dr. Terry Willard, PhD


Meet your Instructor

Dr. Terry Willard, PhD

Founder of Wild Rose Herbal College

Dr. Terry Willard, Cl.H., Ph.D. is recognized as one of North America’s leading Clinical Herbalists.

After 40 years of clinical practice and teaching, Terry is now in semi-retirement on an organic farm on Vancouver Island. He spends most of his time researching, writing, developing new Wild Rose College courses & keeping course content up-to-date. He continues speaking, consulting, and formulating nutritional products. Currently Terry continues to travel occasionally worldwide, he often lectures conveniently online to places far and wide including Scandinavian, England, Japan, and Australia.

Experience and History

After finishing his BSc in Environment Biology at University of Calgary in 1974, Terry moved into the foothills of the Rocky Mountains to study the indigenous plants of Alberta. From here he started teaching courses on the Edible and Medicinal properties of the local plants through a continuing education program at U of C. This later expanded into the beginning of Wild Rose College of Natural Healing.

An active practitioner and teacher for 40 years, Terry retired from his clinical practice in Calgary, Alberta in June of 2014.

Dr. Willard is the author of twelve books on herbs including the “Wild Rose Herbal Series” – a series of three textbooks written to educate herbalists. Two of his books, “Reishi: Herb of Spiritual Potency and Medical Wonder” and “Dr. Willard Encyclopedia of Herbal Uses”, have been particularly popular with the general public. His most recent book is “Flower Essence: Emotional Alchemy and Spiritual Evolution”.

  • PhD in Health Sciences & Masters Degree in Economic Botany
  • Studied under Buffalo Child, Dr. John R. Christopher, Dr. Bernard Jensen, & Frater Albertus
  • Authored 12 Books on Herbal Medicine, Plant ID & Flower Essences
  • Past president of the Canadian Council of Herbalist Associations
  • Past president of the Canadian Association of Herbal Practitioners
  • Professional member of the American Herbalist Guild (AHG)